Heavy rain has led to the closure of the A361 Glastonbury road
Here's the latest information from Somerset County Council - 10.30am 3rd May:
The flooded A361 Glastonbury road between East Lyng and Burrowbridge will continue to be closed until Saturday.
Officers from Somerset County Council made an inspection this morning and although the water level has dropped on some sections of the carriageway, flood water is still covering approximately 300 metres of the road. We are making regular checks on the depth and flow rates of the water and once the road is considered to be safe, it will be opened as soon as possible.
We are hearing reports that lorries and four wheel drive vehicles are driving through the flood and we strongly advise against this. The level of the water is unknown and this is very dangerous as vehicles can be carried away or into rhynes.
The road continues to be open to residents and local businesses and is impassable between East Lyng (junction of Cutts Road) and the Somerset Levels Basket and Craft Centre at Burrowbridge.
We continue to monitor the A372 between Othery and Langport.
(Video of the A361 on Wednesday afternoon shortly before the closure - Courtesy of Phil Brewin)
The bad weather has also meant that Vivary Park in Taunton is to stay shut until at least the end of this week following severe flooding.
Torrential rain left the historic park under several inches of water and although the floods were beginning to subside on Wednesday further heavy rain is forecast.
Events scheduled for Vivary Park over the weekend are being postponed – one, Child’s Play, was called off earlier this week. Unfortunately conditions in the park are too wet for it to host the Somerset Diamond Jubilee Spectacular. It was due to feature the Military Wives Choir from Lympstone Commando Training Centre, along with the Somerset Army Cadet Force Silver Bugles, The Pipes and Drums of the Wessex Highlanders and the Wessex Military Band. It is hoped another date can be found.
The Council feared that the Park could be left badly damaged if the event went ahead due to the volume of people that had been expected to attend.