Brits and Americans say and spell some words differently here's what you need to know

All English was not created equal. Despite the fact that Americans and Brits both speak English, sometimes it can feel like a different language altogether. If you've ever been confused by when to use a "z" or an "s", or whether "u" is acceptable or not, blame Noah Webster. The man behind the famed Webster's

All English was not created equal. Despite the fact that Americans and Brits both speak English, sometimes it can feel like a different language altogether.

If you've ever been confused by when to use a "z" or an "s", or whether "u" is acceptable or not, blame Noah Webster. The man behind the famed Webster's Dictionary was adamant that Americans be independent of the Brits in their lexicon.

And if that wasn't enough, some words have a unique pronunciation as well. Here are some of the more common variations.

Brits use "re" while Americans use "er."

It's either "theater" or "theatre." Flickr/Blondinrikard Fröberg

This means that in New York you're going to the theater but in London you'll be seeing a play at the theatre.

Brits add a "u" where Americans don't.

If you're in the US, you may spell it "neighbor." Universal Pictures

In the United States the chatty woman across the street may be your favorite neighbor but in the UK they may not appreciate that type of behaviour.

The Brits often use an extra "l."

Remember to add an "l." Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

A jeweler in the US is a jeweller in the UK.

Americans use a "c" or "z" where Brits use an "s."

The spelling of "practice" changes. Shutterstock

Offence, offense; analyze, analyse; practises, practices are all variations of the same word.

Americans drop the "e" before "ment" in words like "judgment."

"Judgement" is another word spelled differently. ABC/Eric McCandless

If you've ever seen judgment and judgement, they're both technically correct.


Brits stress the second "i" in "aluminum." AP/Daniel R. Patmore

The Americans keep it pretty simple with a-loo-min-uhm, but the Brits put some stress on that second "i" with a-loo-min-ee-uhm.


Saying you "ate a salad" sounds different in the US and the UK. Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

Believe it or not, this three-letter word can be a bit tricky depending on which side of the pond you inhabit. Brits say "et" while Americans put a bit more emphasis on the first vowel making it "ayt" or eight.


Drop the "h" when in the US. Pexels

The "h" is silent in the US version making it sound like erbal instead of herbal.


It's a small difference in pronunciation. Flickr/dnak

Americans talk about their guh-rahj, while Brits refer to it as a gah-ruhj.


You might pronounce "vitamin" differently depending on where your drug store is. shutterstock

The "vit" is pronounced similarly to bite in the US, as in vite-a-min. It the UK it is literally known as a vit-a-min.


Ron Swanson of "Parks and Recreation" likes his privacy. YouTube

In the UK, privacy is pronounced as prih-vacy, similar to privy. In the US, the word is pry-vacy.


In the US, people aren't used to the "sh" sound in "schedule." Strelka/Flickr

This one is always particularly odd. The Brits use an "sh" sound for "sch" in this instance, making it shed-yool. The Americans are partial to the "k" sound making it sked-yool. Both nations agree that school is skool, however.

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